Lumia 1320无法重置,无法刷机

je****xy UID.1113925
2016-03-07 发表

本帖最后由 jerrymxy 于 2016-3-7 16:18 编辑

版本10.0.10586.107,之前手机自动重启之后现在每次重启都会还原设置和应用到3.5下午五点的状态,因此选择重置无效,按键组合重置也一样,Nokia Care Suite和智机网工具两种模式均无法刷机,WPRT因为悲剧地进入了电脑硬盘坏道打不开也无法修复所以无法测试,请问大家有什么方法解决……刷机和重置都行。


Nokia.CareSuite.PlugIns.MurzimRecovery.RecoveryDialog.MurzimProgrammingException: FA_ERR_VERIFY_FAIL: 0xFA00000D
在 Nokia.CareSuite.PlugIns.MurzimRecovery.RecoveryDialog.RecoveryDialogModel.Flash()
在 Nokia.CareSuite.PlugIns.MurzimRecovery.RecoveryDialog.RecoveryDialogModel.<HandleDownloadVariantPackageCompleted>b__c(Object state)

Built for Windows @ 12:29:55 Apr 27 2015
Thor2 is running on Windows of version 6.1
C:\Users\mall\Desktop\EDM\temp\thor2.exe -mode uefiflash -ffufile C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Packages\Products\RM-996\RM996_3058.50000.1424.0003_RETAIL_apac_prc_201_03_439228_prd_signed.ffu -do_factory_reset -do_full_nvi_update -reboot
Process started Mon Mar 07 12:17:54 2016
Logging to file C:\Users\mall\AppData\Local\Temp\thor2_win_20160307121753_ThreadId-3632.log
Debugging enabled for uefiflash

Initiating FFU flash operation
WinUSB in use.
Normal mode detected
Rebooting to the normal mode...
Resp from NCSd {"id":7,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":null}

[THOR2_flash_state] Switching to flash mode
Detecting UEFI responder
HELLO success
Lumia Boot Manager detected
Check status of battery
State of charge 41, charging current -258
Protocol version 1.1 Implementation version 1.16
Booting to FlashApp
Reboot to FlashApp command sent successfully.
DetachFrom connection
Verifying that device is online
Device is online
Detecting UEFI responder
HELLO success
Lumia Flash detected
Protocol version 1.15 Implementation version 1.28
[THOR2_flash_state] Pre-programming operations
Disable timeouts
Get flashing parameters
Lumia Flash detected
Protocol version 1.15 Implementation version 1.28
Size of one transfer is 2363392
Size of buffer is 2359296
Number of eMMC sectors: 15269888
Platform ID of device: Nokia.MSM8230AB.P6145.2.0
Async protocol version: 01
Security info:
Platform secure boot enabled
Secure FFU enabled
JTAG eFuse blown
RDC not found
Authentication not done
UEFI secure boot enabled
SHK enabled
Device supports FFU protocols: 0019
[THOR2_flash_state] Device programming started
Using secure flash method
CoreProgrammer version 2015.04.09.001.
Start programming signed ffu file C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Packages\Products\RM-996\RM996_3058.50000.1424.0003_RETAIL_apac_prc_201_03_439228_prd_signed.ffu
FfuReader version is 2015032401
Send FlashApp write parameter: 0x4d544f00
Perform handshake with UEFI...
Flash app: Protocol Version 1.15 Implementation Version 1.28
DevicePlatformInfo: Nokia.MSM8230AB.P6145.2.0
Unknown sub block detected. Skip...
Unknown sub block detected. Skip...
Supported protocol versions bitmap is 19
Secure FFU sync version 1 supported.
Secure FFU async version 1 supported.
Secure FFU async version 3 supported.
Get CID of the device...
Get EMMC size of the device...
Emmc size in sectors: 15269888
CID: Samsung, Size 7456 MB
Start charging...
Requested write param 0x43485247 is not supported by this flash app version.
Start charging... DONE. Status = 0
Unable to send ECHO REQ or ECHO REQ not supported
Get security Status...
Security Status:
Platform secure boot is enabled.
Secure eFUSE is enabled.
JTAG is disabled.
RDC is missing from the device.
Authentication is not done.
UEFI secure boot is enabled.
Secondary HW key exists.
Get RKH of the device...
RKH of the device is 98BECD6BD8BA16F28867306AE571DC79E50714EB1F856F30A96B6D18436FFAB2
Get ISSW Version...
Get ISSW Version, SKIPPED!
Get system memory size...
Size of system mem: 1048576 KB
Read antitheft status...
Requested read param 0x41545250 is not supported by this flash app version.
Send backup to RAM req...
Clearing the backup GPT...SKIPPED!
Successfully parsed FFU file. Header size: 0x000e0000, Payload size: 0x000000006dde0000, Chunk size: 0x00020000, Header offset: 0x00000000, Payload offset: 0x00000000000e0000
RKH match between device and FFU file!
Option: Skip CRC32 check in use
Start sending header data...
Start sending payload data...
Percents: 0
FlashApp returned reported error in SecureFlashResp! Status: 0x0004, Specifier: 0x80000008
lastDescriptorIndex: -1 lastLocationIndex: -1
Retrying from index 0
FlashApp returned reported error in SecureFlashResp! Status: 0x0004, Specifier: 0x80000008
lastDescriptorIndex: -1 lastLocationIndex: -1
Retrying from index 0
No more retries. Exit flashing!
UEFI returned error: 0xfa000004
Exception during programming: 393220
Safe write descriptor index reached: false
Payload data transfer speed (23.87 MB/s) Elapsed time 0.38 sec
Payload data size 9.000108 MB
[IN] programSecureFfuFile. Closing C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Packages\Products\RM-996\RM996_3058.50000.1424.0003_RETAIL_apac_prc_201_03_439228_prd_signed.ffu
programming operation failed!
Rebooting device
Sending reset command to device
Reset command sent successfully.
Operation took about 1 minute, 9 seconds. Average transfer speed was 34.19 kB/s.


THOR2 exited with error code 393220 (0x60004)

zhdl889 UID.993974
2016-03-07 回复


je****xy UID.1113925
2016-03-07 回复

Quotezhdl889 发表于 2016-3-7 14:38


丸子123 UID.936603
2016-03-07 使用 Lumia 1520 回复


je****xy UID.1113925
2016-03-07 回复

Quote丸子123 发表于 2016-3-7 19:13


华驹 UID.1144008
2016-03-07 使用 Lumia 1320 回复

Goog idea good good
