Hi everyone,
Today we are releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 10547 to Windows Insiders on the Fast ring. As usual, this build includes bug fixes and improvements over Build 10532 and also includes some new things for you to try and send us feedback on what you see.
Here's what’s new in this build:
Improvements to Start: The default for tile groups on Start is to have 3 columns of medium sized tiles, but we heard feedback from many Insiders who wanted the ability to have a 4th column as well, so they could have two wide or large sized tiles side by side in a group. In this build, you can enable this by going to the Settings app > Personalization > Start and enabling “Show more tiles”. And for the Insiders that want more than 512 tiles on Start; we now support up to 2048. Give it a try and let us know what you think.
Improvements to Tablet mode: When in Tablet mode, from Task View you can now snap apps to left and right, replace a previously snapped app with another (teeter) and swipe down to close an app.
Many app updates: We’ve released many updates to our apps in Windows 10. For example – we’ve updated the Photos app to introduce a folder view that makes it easy for you to see your OneDrive and PC folders. The Xbox app has also received a pretty big update – you can read about it here from Xbox Wire. And many other apps such as Groove, Mail and Calendar and Maps have also received updates. Make sure to check the Store for updates, and send us feedback on these updated apps.
Other improvements: You can now turn off the Windows background picture in the sign-in screen if you want by going to the Settings app > Personalization > Lock screen and turning off “Show Windows background picture on the sign-in screen”.
Object RTC in Microsoft Edge: For developers, this build also includes a preview of Object RTC in Microsoft Edge. The ORTC APIs enable real-time audio and video communications directly inside Microsoft Edge without the need to install any plugins. You can learn more about how ORTC will work with Skype and Skype for Business over at the Skype blog, and developers can learn more about using these APIs at the Microsoft Edge Dev Blog.
Text input panel improvements: The text input panel now expands as you write to provide more space in Latin languages. The text input panel also no longer opens automatically when you are not in tablet mode or have an external Surface keyboard attached. Additional punctuation support has been added to the suggestions bar to make entering punctuation characters easier. Lastly, improvements have been made to help the suggestions be more relevant.
Here are some things we have fixed:
•We have fixed a lot of the underlying causes of the critical error dialog Insiders were seeing with Start. And search should work more consistently now when interacting with Start.
•The notification icon for Action Center should no longer light up even though there weren’t any new notifications.
•We fixed an issue where the Battery fly-out text was truncated in certain languages.
•When choosing background shuffle, we’ve enabled the ability to shuffle backgrounds randomly instead of the order they appear in the folder.
•You can now use Cortana with local accounts as well as with a Microsoft account.
•We have fixed several issues with audio – including issues specific affecting Realtek audio devices.
Known issues:
•Windows Store apps may not update automatically. To receive app updates, open the Store, click on your profile picture at the top right, choose “Download and updates” and check for updates manually.
•Using Notepad.exe from the command line to open files when using only a file name, such as ‘file.txt’, will fail with a permissions error. This will be fixed in a future build, but this can be worked around by using a full or partial path, such as ‘.\file.txt’, or using File->Open options in the UI.
•Clicking on the system icons in the notification area quickly can result in Windows Shell blocking the launch of fly-outs like Audio, Networking, etc. This can be resolved by rebooting your PC.
•Languages packs are being published, but will be rolling out to the update servers throughout the day.
•You will see a warning message in the Settings app > Update & Security > Windows Update regarding preview builds. Don’t worry about this - It is safe to ignore for now. We’re adding some new functionality to help you diagnose what’s going on if a new build isn’t getting to you, but it’s not fully implemented yet.
New forum topic for Windows Insiders who are gamers
For Windows Insiders who are gamers – we went live with the “Gaming on Insider Preview” topic in the Windows Insider forum. This new forum topic is the best place for Windows Insiders to get support for gaming-related issues with Windows 10 Insider Preview builds. It’s also a place for Windows Insiders to have discussions with other gamers too. In addition to our regular forum support staff, we’ll have engineers with gaming expertise on standby to assist in these forums, as well as some support staff from our partners, such as Intel, AMD, and NVIDIA, so feel free to stop by these new areas of the forum and let us know how you’re feeling about your gaming experience on Windows 10. For Xbox Live related features and games - you can also find communities to discuss those games at forums.xbox.com.
As always, keep sending us feedback via the Windows Feedback app!
今天我们发布的Windows 10内幕预览建立10547到Windows知情人快速环上。像往常一样,这个版本包括bug修复和改进了构建10532,也包括一些新的东西给你试用,并给我们反馈你所看到的。
许多应用程序更新:我们已经发布了许多更新到我们的应用程序在Windows 10。例如 - 我们已经更新了照片应用程序引进一个文件夹视图,可以很容易让你看到你的OneDrive和PC的文件夹。在Xbox应用程序也获得了相当大的更新 - 你可以在这里阅读有关的的Xbox电线。和许多其他应用程序,如沟,邮件和日历和地图也得到更新。请务必检查商店的更新,给我们反馈,这些更新的应用程序。
RTC对象在Microsoft边缘:对于开发商来说,此版本还包括对象RTC的微软边缘的预览。该ORTC API支持直接在微软内部边缘实时音频和视频通信,而无需安装任何插件。您可以了解更多有关如何ORTC将与Skype和Skype合作,商超在Skype的博客,并且开发人员可以了解如何使用这些API的微软边缘开发博客。
•我们有固定的几个问题与音频 - 包括具体的影响Realtek的音频设备的问题。
•使用Notepad.exe的命令行仅使用一个文件名,如“file.txt的”时,打开文件,将失败,权限错误。这将是在将来的版本,但是这可以通过使用完全或部分路径,如被加工围绕'\ file.txt的“,或使用文件 - >在UI打开的选项。
•在通知区域中的系统图标点击很快会导致Windows Shell中阻断推出的飞奏如音频,网络等,这可以通过重新启动您的计算机来解决。
•您将看到在设置应用程序>更新和安全> Windows更新有关预览版本的警告消息。不要担心这一点 - 它是安全的忽略了。我们增加了一些新的功能,以帮助诊断,如果这是怎么回事了新的版本是没有得到你,但它不是完全没有实现。
对于Windows业内人士谁是游戏玩家 - 我们就生活在在Windows内幕论坛主题“内幕预览游戏”。这个新的论坛主题是Windows业内人士的最佳场所,以获得游戏相关的问题与Windows 10内幕预览版的支持。它也适用于Windows知情人能与其他玩家讨论过的地方。除了我们定期论坛的支持人员,我们将有工程师的游戏专业知识待命,以帮助这些论坛,以及来自我们的合作伙伴,如英特尔,AMD和NVIDIA一些辅助人员,可以随意停止论坛的这些新的领域,让我们知道你的感受有关在Windows 10,您的游戏体验,Xbox Live的相关功能和游戏 - 你还可以找到社区讨论这些比赛在forums.xbox.com。
标签: 谷歌翻译